Nik Rivers (3p-7p – Weekdays)

Photo Credit -27kPhotography

Nik Rivers 

Afternoons / 3pm – 7pm

Nik is the Boss-man/Program Director, as well as your afternoon host here at 94.1 the Zone.  Longtime listeners will remember him from his last stint here at the Zone from 2008-2013.  Nik has been in and around Upstate and Western New York since his college days.  A lover of Las Vegas, New York Sports (Yankees, Giants, and Knicks), Irish whiskey, fine wines, and finer hashtags.  He is also a newish member of the “Girl Dad” club.  So when not here at the zone, he spends his time at home changing diapers, and playing with his daughter, although his wife would argue that she changes more diapers (She’s probably right).  


Get to Know Nik:

Favorite Artist:   Too many to mention.  I’m really a fan of all kinds of music.  Well, accept country…it got way too poppy in the 90’s.  Give me some old school Johnny Cash, or Willie Nelson…now that’s country

Favorite Food:  Without question, the answer is Pizza.  Hot take: Buffalo pizza is some of the worst in the country.  Rochester has the WNY Pizza game on lockdown.

Favorite Movie:  Again, too many to choose.  But Caddy Shack, Star Wars, The Usual Suspects, and Fletch are among the many finalists.

Beverage of Choice:  Irish whiskey.  Another hot take, Irish whiskey is superior to American Whiskey in every way.

Best Concert ever attended:  Oasis at the Orpheum Theater in Boston, circa 2000.



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