We told you about the big benefit this weekend to raise money to benefit CORE vaccination centers called Rock-N-Relief. What we didn’t tell you (cuz we didn’t...
The Grammy Awards are coming up next Sunday (3/14) and it looks like they’ve put a great show together–even with all of the challenges. The show will be a mix...
Not sure who needs to see this but The Wiggles (big stars in the kid’s world) covered TAME IMPALA in Australia and not only do we have the video, you can watch the...
Hollywood has been trying to make a movie inspired by the SMITHS for many years and its finally happening! Shoplifters Of The World will be coming out later this month so...
Who knew that even Cardi B would see the genius behind AJR? Watch Ryan talk about how the band made their new hit “Way Less Sad” and who had an influence behi...
FOO FIGHTERS are having a big 2021 so far! They’ve released their 10th LP, are up for the Rock Hall Of Fame, played the Inaguration and SNL and now they’ve ma...
2 weeks!!!!!! We can’t wait for this to hit HBO Max and help us forget the sh*t show that was the original Justice League. “I heard about you. Didn’t think you were...
MACHINE GUN KELLY keeps moving up the charts at The New 94.1 The Zone with “My Ex’s Best Friend”-one of our fave songs out right now. Did you see him do...